All About Ostomy Care, Skin Sealant, And Stoma Protection

Learning the fundamentals of proper ostomy care following a surgical procedure such as a colostomy is pertinent in ensuring your skin stays healthy and free from irritation. The skin located on the outskirts of your stoma can oftentimes get irritated over time. This can be due to the adhesives being used to keep a good seal. There are a variety of skin preps and skin sealant available on the market, and they all come in different names:
Barrier films
Barrier wipes
Barrier spray
These products are all compiled in the category of skin preps. Their purpose is to keep your skin protected from leakage from the stoma, the adhesives being used, and shear. Many people develop skin issues around their stoma such as:
- Sores
Broken skin
Itchy skin
Using skin preps will give your skin a chance to heal and they will assist the ostomy in sticking to the skin more efficiently.
The Two Main Purposes Of Skin Preps:
To keep the skin around the stoma protected
To assist the ostomy pouch in remaining in place better
Stoma Protection - How Do You Use Skin Sealant And Skin Preps?
It's not very complicated to use skin preps. You'll initially need to give your stoma a good wash, and that also means washing all of the surrounding skin. Let it completely dry out afterward. The soap you'll want to use for this is gentle, unscented soap that doesn't contain any additional oils in it. These can tend to get in the way of adhesive products and the chances of the ostomy pouch adhering to your skin will be lessened. Once the skin in the entire region has fully dried, you'll then put a thin layer of skin prep on the skin surrounding the stoma. The skin prep should cover the ostomy appliance because it is the best way to protect your skin against things that can irritate it. Once you've applied the skin prep, let it dry.
Some people like to use sprays while others like to use wipes. Both work well and it all boils down to what you like better. Try giving both of the products a try to see what your preference is. Once that's done, you can now finish the remainder of your ostomy routine.
Why Skin Prep?
Skin prep is the recommended product to use for a number of reasons:
It's simple and straightforward to apply to the skin
It naturally moves in conjunction with the skin
It gives your skin a chance to breathe, and this leads to increased healing
It's simple to remove with just a little soap and water
You only need a single coat for effectiveness, which makes it worth the money
They assist your ostomy appliance in adhering to the skin better and for longer periods of time
You won't be having to use as many pouches
Ostomy Skin Barrier
When you develop a proper seal between the ostomy appliance and your skin, this will eliminate the chances of leakage and skin irritation. Some of the big companies that manufacture these products design ostomy pouches to work efficiently without having to use additional products. Everyone's body is different though, and that's why not everyone's skin will form a perfect barrier every single time. That's where skin preps and other products come into place. Using skin preps will provide your skin with a chance to heal and help avoid any future skin issues.